
Peppermint Essential Oil

Arvedikas Peppermint Essential Oil helps to stimulate the scalp, and it can treat dandruff and even lice due to its powerful antiseptic properties. Research shows that peppermint oil promotes hair growth too. This essential oil has a cooling, powerful, menthol aroma with clean, sweet, top notes. Peppermint essential oil is known to revive depleted energy and to enhance positivity.

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Peppermint Essential Oil


Peppermint essential oil is derived from the peppermint plant, scientifically known as Mentha piperita. It’s renowned for its refreshing and invigorating aroma, often described as cool, minty, and slightly sweet. The oil is extracted through steam distillation of the plant’s leaves, resulting in a potent and highly concentrated liquid.

  1. Aroma: Peppermint oil has a strong, fresh, and minty scent with a cooling sensation. It’s often described as crisp and clean, reminiscent of peppermint candy.
  2. Color and Consistency: The oil typically has a thin consistency and is clear with a slight tinge of yellow or green.
  3. Chemical Composition: The main active components of peppermint oil are menthol and menthone, which contribute to its characteristic aroma and therapeutic properties. It also contains other compounds like menthyl acetate, menthofuran, and 1,8-cineole.
  4. Therapeutic Properties: Peppermint oil is widely known for its various therapeutic benefits. It’s commonly used for its cooling and soothing properties, making it popular in aromatherapy and massage. It’s also believed to help alleviate headaches, muscle aches, and respiratory issues due to its analgesic and decongestant properties.
  5. Mental and Emotional Effects: The refreshing aroma of peppermint oil can help improve mental clarity, focus, and alertness. It’s often used to boost energy levels and promote a sense of wakefulness and vitality.
  6. Physical Uses: Peppermint oil is frequently used topically when diluted with a carrier oil to relieve sore muscles, tension, and itching. It’s also used in natural remedies for digestive issues like indigestion, nausea, and bloating.
  7. Cautions: While peppermint oil offers numerous benefits, it’s essential to use it cautiously, especially in high concentrations. Direct application of undiluted peppermint oil to the skin can cause irritation or allergic reactions in some individuals. Additionally, ingesting large amounts of peppermint oil can be toxic, so it’s crucial to follow recommended dosage guidelines and consult with a healthcare professional if using it internally.

Overall, peppermint essential oil is a versatile and potent oil with a refreshing aroma and a wide range of potential health benefits when used properly and in moderation.

About Us

Arvedikas, the brand is a herbal beauty care & holistic wellness start-up that is owned & managed by Sanskriti Essentials, the Manufacturers, exporters & wholesalers of Herbal Cosmetics,Fine Fragrances & Essential Oils with an experience of over 14 years, catering primarily to the USA, Europe & Australian Markets.

We offer a comprehensive range of herbal products such as Natural Essential Oils, Ayurvedic Oils, Carrier Oils, Aromatic Oils, Natural Solid Perfumes & Ancient Attars, Herbal Soaps & Supplies, Premium Scented Candles, Herbal Extracts & many other herbal beauty & skin care products. We are the 3rd Party Manufacturers of Herbal Cosmetics & Body Oils catering to some renowned National & International Skin Care Brands.

Our products are based on ancient ayurvedic recipes & are scientifically processed in advanced state of art technologies in ISO 9001-2015 , GMP certified facilities using natural essential oils, herbs, plant extracts & un-adulterated ingredients with adherence to the Industry norms & export quality standards, we do ensure that a hygienic environment is maintained during each stage of manufacturing, packaging & storing in order to ensure that the products retain their original properties.

All of our products go through the stringent quality control process as per the GMP standards to satisfy & fulfil the needs of our clientele worldwide,

The brand Arvedikas is based on the concept of re-introducing ancient Ayurvedic herbal science into daily routine life that is beneficial for skin, hair, mind & body without any side effects.

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